Welcome to my spell collection...
This is Mewo's EXTREMELEYYYYY rare collection of spells i have gathered throughout my many years of scavenging the web!
They are all 100 p.cent real and valid as they are MINE!
spellz may be found beelow. Use with care or whatevuhh
SPELL 1: Starving Spell.
This spell was made to be used on the days when the caster’s caretaker has either forgotten to feed them, or when their magical apprentice doesn’t have the blessed offerings needed to keep them at full health.
Things Needed:
Instructions: Take your bowl, fill it with the grass (Or dirt), and use the spoon to scoop up the bowl filling. Once you do that, bring the spoon to your mouth and pretend to eat it (Or eat it straight up. I like eating it straight up but it depends on your preference). Finally, take your object of holding and you’re going to want to repeat this phrase out loud (Or in your head if your friend needs to sleep as well) until you fall asleep.
Results: Easier sleep, a more clear mind, increased productivity, and resistance to hunger.

SPELL 2: Cleanliness Ritual
A ritual specifically designed to heighten the aromas of the caster and to attract potential people of interest, such as friends and or lovers?
Things Needed:
Instructions: Find yourself a nice flat floor (wood floor is probably the best for this) and draw yourself a magic circle. Possibly a pentagram? Once you do that, place a scented candle on each side of the circle (Circles don’t really have sides but you know what I mean). Next you’re gonna wanna place a blanket on top of the circle to cover it up, and then sit on it because the wood floor is too hard and uncomfortable to sit on. Get the other blanket and place it over your head. Get the remaining four candles and light them, as well as get out your flowers and scatter them all around you. Make sure the blanket is kind of tight because you don’t want the magic to escape by leaking out of any holes or openings. Once you do that, meditate for 30 minutes as you think clean and refreshing thoughts.
Results: Guaranteed cleanliness without the use of a shower or bath, an extreme feeling of confidence, the absence of weird smells, and an increase of people paying attention or looking at you.

SPELL 3: Mammal Manipulation.
This is a dangerous spell if not used correctly and has potential to HARM the caster if not careful. The goal of this spell is to control certain mammals to do your bidding and provide you entertainment. It’s more effective on cats specifically.
Things needed:
Instructions: Stray cats are one of the most common animals that one can find within one’s own neighborhood (Also dogs, but I don’t like dogs, they scare me). They’re known to be extremely mythical and can harbor insane amounts of magical potential. To lure in one of these highly regarded beings, you must learn how to control them. Cats love things like treats and snacks, so leave some out for them every 3-5 hours. You must make them associate you with food and have them look to you as a provider. When they seem friendly enough, put on your gloves and gently try to pet them while murmuring under your breath this very important incantation. “Please become my friend. Please become my friend. Please become my friend. Please become my friend. Please become my friend.” Most of the time they will either scratch or bite you (which is why the gloves are important) But after a few weeks and or months of this, they will eventually loosen up and become more friendly towards you. And sometimes your magical apprentice will let the cat come inside the house and the three of you can have fun together. It's great. Having a cat around for any spell or ritual increases the success rate by 70% so please do this it’s very important.
Results: Happiness and a new friend.

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